Pages tagged "Coalition Building"
Recommendations from South Florida Climate Change Equity Solutions Summit
These are the recommendations to help shape the update of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan, or RCAP 2.0, with special concerns for under-resourced communities in Miami-‐Dade, Broward, Monroe, and Palm Beach Counties. The four counties and their municipalities will use the RCAP 2.0 for the next four years as their guide to reduce the region’s climate change pollution and build resilient communities. The recommendations that emerged from the summit offer strategies for county and city leaders, advocacy groups and residents in underserved areas to strengthen capacity, leadership and resilience in overburdened communities at the front lines of climate change effects.
Prosperity Miami Initiative
The Prosperity Miami (PM) pilot initiative - a collaboration of Catalyst Miami, New Florida Majority, and South Florida Voices for Working Families - was an effort to build on the philosophy and practices of the groups mentioned above. Working collaboratively across organizations to blend services and community organizing rather than through a singular organization, the partners sought to meet the bottom-line needs of individuals, while also moving them into political organizing for broader social change. This paper highlights the lessons learned from this attempt at social innovation and provides implications for future similar collaborative efforts.
Social Justice Table: Year 2 Report
The Miami Social Justice Table was a 4-year exercise in building networks of organizations across Miami working on different angles related to lessening poverty and increasing rights and access for under-resourced communities and populations. Network members regularly shared information to support each other in having a bigger collective impact together. This paper highlights the research completed in the second year of the initiative and was written by the University of Miami.
Miami Thrives: Weaving a Poverty Reduction Coalition
In an environment where community based organizations are asked to do increasingly more to alleviate the effects of complex social problems, networks and coalitions are becoming the answer for increasing scale, efficiency, coordination, and most importantly, social impact. This paper highlights the formation of a developing coalition around poverty reduction in Miami-Dade County and the role of one organization acting as lead to the initiative. The findings offer a picture of the inter-organizational relationships in the community using social network analysis and identify the organizational capacity factors that contribute to and inhibit the formation of a cohesive and effective coalition in this context. This study was written by the University of Miami and published in the American Journal for Community Psychology.
Miami's Third Sector Alliance for Community Well-being
The aim of this paper was to outline a vision for a Third Sector Alliance to build organizational, network, and sector capacity for community well-being in Miami. Building a foundation for social impact requires a strategy for organizational, network, and sector capacity building. Organizational, network, and sector capacity building can best be achieved through a cooperative network approach driven by a solid community–university partnership.
Although a Third Sector Alliance for Community Well-being does not yet exist in Miami, Catalyst Miami and the University of Miami (UM) have partnered closely to articulate a vision of what could be and have been working to make that vision a reality. This report was written by University of Miami, Raymond Consulting, and Catalyst Miami. It was published in the Progress in Community Health Partnerships Journal.