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Joaquin Dulitzky (Development Committee Chair) | Director, Bernstein Private Wealth Management

Joaquin Dulitzky is an economist, originally from Argentina. Family governance and collaboration among generations have been an important focus of Joaquin’s life, as an enabler for long-term success of the global relationship he advises. Joaquin believes in the power of purpose-driven , impact investing . He is part of Bernstein’s senior team of advisors. For 28 years he has advised foundations on their investments and global entrepreneurs as they plan for change (exit, succession, migration). Bernstein is a global research and money management powerhouse. Along with his wife Caro and their 2 boys, they have done on-the-ground volunteer work in 16 emerging countries. Previously, he was a university professor. He enjoys reading, sailing, dancing and yoga. He is one of the worst cooks he has ever known.