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Office Return Protocols

Support for management needs

  • To enable supervisors to engage the entire team, as needed, with everyone present

Support for personal needs

  • To facilitate employees’ personal preference
  • To enable employees who are struggling in a remote work environment (the reasons may vary — because they lack space, equipment or tools, opportunity to focus, etc.) to work more effectively

Support for business needs

  • To enable direct interface with clients
  • To allow for in-person innovation, co-creating, or team building
  • To support training or onboarding that may need to occur onsite
  • As an organization, we are not requiring vaccinations at this time, but are strongly encouraging them.
  • We also do not anticipate a full 5 day/week return to the office. Staggered work shifts have been assigned to staff which will follow a 9am-1pm schedule, or a 1:10-5pm schedule. Please discuss with your supervisor in-person vs. work-at-home schedules.
  • Please be advised that the organization continues to utilize Everlance to track mileage expenses. Your commute from home to work is not considered business mileage and is therefore not deductible per the IRS.
  • Staff who continue to be designated as full remote employees will be able to count business mileage from their home.

Building Management:

Our goal is to raise awareness and provide a safe work environment for all employees. Be cognizant that Covid-19 (and its variants) is still around and will continue for some time.

Please make sure that all employees follow and adhere to these measures and use safe practices as listed below while keeping social distancing,

The following best practices are still in effect to provide a safe work environment and Covid-free workplace.

  • All employees will be required to use a facial mask upon entering the building and in all common areas.
  • All employees must wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Elevators, common areas and all floors will have hand sanitizers available. Please use them.
  • Signs are posted throughout the building reminding employees to wear their masks and to practice social distancing.
  • Employees are not allowed to visit other floors unless.
  • No more than two people at a time in the elevators.
  • No more than two people in the restroom at a time.
  • Social distancing of no less than six feet must always be practiced.
  • Refrain from shaking hands to comply with social distancing guidelines.
  • All employees must clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in their immediate work area using a regular alcohol-based sanitizer or wipe.
  • If you feel any Covid-19 related symptoms (dry cough, fever, body aches, stomach problems, etc..)  or you come into contact with someone that has exhibited these symptoms or has tested positive please notify your immediate supervisor.
  • Employees will complete a questionnaire every day they are at the office with (temperature and 3-4 yes/no questions)
  • We also ask that all employees become familiar with and follow the CDC recommended prevention actions Which can be found here:

Between 11am-7pm, Monday-Friday, Housekeeping will be conducting daily deep cleaning and sanitizing offices, restrooms, doorknobs, elevator buttons and other surfaces, along with hourly wipe down of high traffic areas.

Catalyst Miami:

Catalyst Miami implemented a prevention program policy as an addendum to our employee handbook effective August 2021. Please refer to Z:/ALL STAFF\Covid-19 Prevention Plan to review the organization's Covid-19 policies and procedures to protect employees from Covid-19 hazards.

Catalyst Miami will implement increased cleaning and sanitation efforts on all project sites: 

  • We will have hand sanitizer stations in all entry points and common spaces.
  • Offices that receive high amounts of traffic will also have a sanitizing station nearby.
  • We will have an automatic hand soap in the kitchen to avoid bacteria spread.
  • All hallways, common areas, and offices with high traffic will have signs to encourage social distancing and mask usage.
  • Each office will have disinfecting supplies to ensure their area is clean.
  • Extra masks will be available in the waiting room, in case there is a visitor without one or a staff member in need of one.
  • Mask requirement, social distancing requirement, and capacity limit signs will be visible throughout the office.
  • Care packages will be distributed to every staff and will include: mask, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant supplies.
  • Each office will have clean and used pen stations.
  • All staff will be required to sanitize desk and chairs after visitor/client use.
  • All offices has been set up following CDC recommendations.
  • We have reduced the capacity of spaces by removing chairs from conference areas and implementing staggered schedules of staff that are client-facing and designated as needing a co-working space. 
  • We have adapted shared office spaces and fully equipped spaces designed for worker safety to include visible signage of mask and occupancy requirements, and social distancing.
  • Temperature check on each entry point (entry points will have a touchless thermometer).
  • All visitors, including clients, will enter through the main door (by the waiting room). 
  • All staff will enter through the secondary door (by the kitchen).
  • A designated trash can will be placed near the elevators on the second floor to dispose of PPE.
  • All staff and visitors will be required to wear a face mask.
  • All staff and visitors will be required to maintain a distance of 6 feet.
  • Have seats in the lobby area if needed.
  • Clients will be seen by appointments only. The waiting room will have a two-person occupancy max at all times.
  • Encourage hand sanitizing before entering Catalyst Miami offices.
  • Delivery companies will have a space designated for drop-offs.
  • Choose a venue with enough space for attendees to be socially distant from one another.
  • Remind attendees they must wear a face covering when not actively eating or drinking.
  • All visitors must complete a Covid-19 questionnaire.
  • All visitors are required to wear a face covering while indoors regardless of vaccination status.

In-person event: Programs, events, conferences, and any other non-curricular planned in-person gathering, indoors or outdoors, including those organized by departments utilizing their own space.

External event: An in-person event that includes any number of external attendees.

Internal in-person meeting: An in-person meeting held within a single space/area for the duration, and attended by Catalyst Miami staff for the purpose of information sharing or operations.

Internal in-person meetings

  • All departments are encouraged to continue to limit in-person face-to-face interaction by using virtual alternatives, such as Zoom (or other video teleconferencing solutions), telephone, email, or other communication platforms.
  • Internal in-person meetings require supervisor and COO approval.

External events (indoors and outdoors)

  • External events require supervisor and COO approval.
  • External events are those events that are not held at a Catalyst Miami office.
  • Event hosts are responsible for ensuring sufficient PPE is available to safely conduct the event (e.g., wipes, hand sanitizer, gloves, plexiglass dividers, other cleaning supplies, and a reserve of masks if necessary).
  • Indoor external events must abide by the general guidelines found within this document including, but not limited to:
    • Maintaining a minimum of 6 feet between all participants.
    • Masks must be utilized by all attendees for the duration of the indoor event and in all indoor public spaces at all times.
  • Participants in any external events must adhere to all Catalyst Miami expectations in addition to applicable federal, state, county, and city guidance.
  • Organizers planning events should ensure there is flexibility to adjust or cancel based on evolution of the virus and changes to Catalyst Miami policy.
  • Approval to hold an event is tentative and is subject to change if warranted based on changes in the pandemic situation and/or adjustments to federal, state, local, and Catalyst Miami guidance and directives.
  • Event organizers should ensure plans, contracts, and agreements for these types of events provide flexibility to adjust or cancel based on the evolution of the virus and Catalyst Miami policy.

Review of in-person changes during appointment confirmation call:

  • Masks required
  • Maximum 1 person allowed per appointment. If you need to bring a child or extra person for assistance, please inform us ahead of time.

If a client shows up unannounced or without an appointment:

  • They will have to be turned away for capacity and safety measures, but we can refer them to our intake coordinator to connect them with a coach and set up a specific appointment according to their needs (virtual or in-person).

Questionnaire (on tablet):

  • COVID test result > Proof
  • Vaccination card
  • Traveled in the last 30 days?
  • COVID symptoms in the last 24 hours?

Time frame: 

  • 30 minutes in between appointments to disinfect/prep (scheduling/intake is aware of this and will be done in advance)

Maintain a record of anyone at the office for:

  • Temperature
  • Have you felt sick in the last 24 hours
  • Have you been coughing or sneezing
  • Track who has been at the office
  • Have you been in a crowded environment


  • Who will be enforcing the rules: Everyone

  • We will replace high-touch communal items, such as coffee pots and bulk snacks, with alternatives such as pre-packaged, single-serving items.
  • We encourage staff to bring their own water, utensils, paper goods, and glassware to minimize use and touching 
  • Communal items should be wiped after every use and hand washing is encouraged before and after.
  • Staff will return all furniture equipment that were taken home when they return back to the office.
  • All furniture should be wiped down and sanitized prior to being brought back into the office.

PPE protocol

  • PPE inventory will be kept locked in the waiting room. The Operations/Admin team will have access to the key at all times. 
  • In the waiting room we will have a few masks available for clients and staff if needed (there will be on a basket on the waiting room desk).
  • Every Monday, the Office Manager will refill all hand sanitizer machines and staff desk bottles. 
  • If you see that you are running out of disinfecting supplies prior to that day, make sure to request more.

Sanitation of frequently touched surfaces / high-touch areas

All high-touch areas (e.g. light switches, doors, refrigerator, microwave, printer, etc.) will be cleaned and sanitized by the first staff into the office every morning. 

Office doors: 

  • To the extent possible, we encourage you to avoid touching all high-touch areas, such as doors, throughout the day, and recommend that all office doors are kept open.

Shared equipment:

  • Keyboards, remotes, mouses, etc. (including in the conference room areas) will be sanitized after each use.
  • Printers/copiers will be sanitized after each use. We will have hand sanitizer available for staff to use after each use at the printer/copier machine, as Milner has advised to not use cleaning supplies on the machines.

Restroom and kitchen access:

  • TBD


  • Occupancy limit signage and touch-free hand sanitizer stations have been installed between the elevators on the first and second floor and upon entering each elevator. Hand sanitizer is encouraged to be used before and after each ride.