Catalyst's Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator: Here to Assist You on October 1st
Starting on October 1st, Florida residents will be able to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace run by the federal government and can begin enjoying the benefits from their new health insurance as early as January 1, 2014.
The Health Insurance Marketplace allows individuals to find and compare different types of health insurances in their area, which fits their specific needs and their budget, all in one website. Each insurance plan found on the Marketplace is offered by a private company and they all promise to at least fulfill each of the essential health benefits found here. With this same application, you can find out if you qualify for lower monthly premiums, lower out-of-pocket costs, and free or reduced coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Just as important, the plans found on the Marketplace cannot charge you more or deny you coverage just because of a pre-existing health condition, and they also cannot charge women more than men.
What makes the Marketplace more accessible is that it only takes one single application, which can be completed online, over the phone or in person and allows you to explore the options of each plan. It simplifies the process by creating a clear description of the amount of coverage in each plan, prices, quality, and other important features in order to make choosing a plan easier and faster. We also have great resources available here at Catalyst to assist you throughout this process. Catalyst Miami, as part of our Prosperity Campaign, will launch a Marketplace Navigator, where clients can get in person help accessing and enrolling via the website.
It is time to get ready for the Health Insurance Marketplace. You can find more information on The site fully explains some of the things you can be doing now before enrollment officially starts, such as gathering your tax information, setting up a personal budget, and familiarizing yourself with some of the main aspects of health insurance in order to make the application process smoother. Still feeling overwhelmed or confused? Not to worry! Come visit us at Catalyst Miami and we will assist you with your questions.
Mark your calendars: 10/01/13, and get ready for better access and service when dealing with your health insurance needs.
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