Enable Project: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Disability
March 18, 2021 at 10:00am - 12pmNOTE: This event is taking place on Zoom. After you register on this page, you will be redirected to the Zoom registration page.To register directly on Zoom, please click here.

Learn about the intersections between domestic violence, sexual assault and disability, and ways to shed light on and address the issue.
This training is part one of the Enable Project's 3-part training and capacity building series. The series is designed to help our partners and community members be more inclusive, become familiar with new digital platforms and remain engaged in the work of creating access and inclusion in all of our spaces. We will be looking into how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our community, and discussing ways in which we can be ahead of the curve to meet the new challenges we are experiencing.
All trainings will include interpretation in ASL and other languages upon request.