Fed up nationally? Time to act locally
Friend --
When politics at the federal level feels overwhelming, our neighborhoods are the best place to start taking back power.
After all, who has the most impact on your daily life? From how much tax your local business pays to how your trash is disposed of, the everyday stuff of life is decided here at home.
Instead of tuning out the current chaos, dig deep into local with us.
In this email...
- paid community positions
- local elections
- health and safety fairs
- and more!
Attendees at our last Miami Our Way in-person session
Community Resources
While we work to care for our community, we also have to take care of ourselves.
Back to School Health and Safety Fair | Saturday, July 20, 10:30 am – 1 pm @ Charles Hadley Park (1350 NW 50 St, 33147): Join Catalyst Miami and many community partners for a packed day of free services like health screenings, dental exams, and fun activities. Swing by our table!
Hurricane Kits & Extreme Weather Prep | Saturday, July 20, 10 am – 11:30 am @ North Dade Regional Library (2455 NW 183rd St, 33056): Our friends at Miami Climate Alliance and Cleo Institute are hosting another extreme weather training! There will also be free heat protection and hurricane kit giveaways.
- United Way Miami Job Skills Training | Thursday, Aug. 2, 9 am – 2:30 pm: Bacardi and UpSkill Miami are partnering to provide an impactful employability training focused on career purpose, resume writing, LinkedIn, job search and interview preparation.
Local Elections
November isn't the only time to vote! Many important offices will be filled this August 20, including the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Sheriff.
Dates to know:
- July 22 is the last day to update your voter registration for any closed primaries
- August 8 is the deadline to request a mail-in ballot
- Early voting runs from August 5 – 18 in Miami-Dade County
- Election day is August 20!
Want to get to know your local candidates? Need to find your polling place? VoteMiami.org is your one-stop shop for registration information, interviews with the candidates, and more.
Medical Debt & Medicaid Training Session | Tuesday, July 16, 6 – 7 pm, Online: Fight with us to make Medicaid Expansion a reality in our state. This training will show you how YOU can become a part of the movement for better health care access.
Miami Our Way | Wednesday, July 17, 6 – 8 pm, Online: Join us over Zoom this week to plan our annual people's assembly in August!
- Historic Overtown GirlTrek | Every last Saturday of the month @ Lyric Theatre (819 NW 2nd Ave, 33136): GirlTrek is a powerful moment of walking and community building. GirlTrek is a national health movement that inspires Black women to use walking as a practical first step to inspire healthy living, families, and communities. All are welcome!
Job Opportunities
- Catalyst Miami is hiring! Help us continue building people power at catalystmiami.org/careers
WeCount! People in Action is looking to contract canvassers for the Little Haiti and Little River neighborhoods. They are looking for folks who can commit between 15 – 25 hours a week, mostly evenings and weekends, for a 6-week period (between mid-July and early September). Bilingual in Kreyol/English preferred. Compensation is $25/hour! Contact [email protected] if interested.
In Solidarity,
Catalyst Miami
Do you have an urgent need? Please visit www.AxisHelps.org or call 2-1-1 for a list of emergency and non-emergency resources available to you.