Miami Constituents To Hold Empty Chair Town Hall On Healthcare After Months of Being Ignored By Senator Marco Rubio, Congressman Carlos Curbelo and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart
Tired of being disregarded, community members organize town hall to voice their concerns on health care; with or without Representatives present
July 6, 2017
Miami, FL - This Saturday, after months of ignored phone calls, petitions, protests, and office visits, constituents will hold a town hall on healthcare where community members will have the opportunity to share their healthcare success stories and their fears about the Republican repeal plan.
With more than 4.3 million Floridians at risk from Medicaid cuts and 2 million Floridians depending on the Affordable Care Act, Rubio, Curbelo and Diaz-Balart can’t continue to duck and hide from constituents or go another 2,100 days avoiding townhalls; they have a responsibility to answer critical policy questions from voters about a bill that Curbelo and Diaz-Balart cast the deciding votes for in the House and which likely can’t pass in the Senate with Rubio’s support. Instead of defending the health and well-being of the people they were elected to represent, Curbelo and Diaz-Balart hid their support of this dangerous Republican repeal plan from constituents at-risk of losing their health insurance until their votes were already cast - even after admitting that the House repeal plan needed work and was not a "good" bill.
This disastrous Senate repeal will only result in higher costs for less coverage, burden Florida’s working classes, and gut key protections for those most vulnerable including seniors, women, veterans, and people with disabilities and pre-existing conditions. That’s why constituents are organizing to hold Carlos Curbelo and Mario Diaz-Balart accountable, while urging Marco Rubio to to stand with Floridians instead of voting to rubberstamp Trump’s devastating health care agenda.
WHO: For Florida’s Future, Florida Voices for Health, SEIU Florida, Catalyst Miami and Miami Workers Center will join:
South Florida residents voicing concerns about Senate Healthcare Repeal and
State Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez
State Representative Daisy Baez
WHAT: Empty Chair Town Hall
WHEN: Saturday, July 8th @ 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: South Florida AFL-CIO
4349 NW 36th Street, Miami Springs, FL
Background: Republican Health Plan Would Be Devastating For Most Americans
- Bloomberg: “Senate GOP Health Bill Would Raise Out-of-Pocket Costs in Every State”NBC News: “74 Percent. Your Health Care Premium Could Go Up That Much”
- CNN: "Senate Republican health bill: Pay more, get less"
- NYT: "How Health Costs Would Soar for Older Americans Under the Senate Plan"
- Washington Post: “At parades and protests, GOP lawmakers get earful about health care”
- New York Times: “For Millions, Life Without Medicaid Services Is No Option”
- VOX: “Hundreds of thousands of workers could lose their jobs if Senate health bill passes”
Contact: Louisa McQueeney, [email protected], (561) 302-0345
Blake Williams, [email protected]
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